The nexus monARC project is a coordination and support action aiming to advance scientific excellence at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA), while establishing a long-term collaboration to monitor seawater quality at the Hellenic volcanic arc (HVA). Advanced partners from Gothenburg University (UGOT), Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Exelisis (EXE), Flemish Institute for Technological Research (VITO), and Fresenius University of Applied Sciences in Idstein (HSF) will lead a series of knowledge transfer actions on exploitation strategies, administrative and management tools, laboratory capabilities, as well as dissemination, communication, and citizen science actions. Taking advantage of these opportunities, staff at NKUA will upgrade their academic and professional profile. At the same time, project partners are developing a collaborative effort based on citizen science activities, in order to promote environmental issues in multi-stressor marine environments to university, industry, government, and public stakeholders.