nexus monARC mentioned by the Municipality of Athens

The Directorate of Secondary Education – Sector B, Athens –  Laboratory Centers for Physical Sciences in High School Education has made special mention of our environmental study and citizen science approach, through the Research Center for Physical Sciences (in Greek). Find more about it and watch our presentation “Environmental Research and Citizen Science: The example of […]

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DEI Seminar by VITO at NKUA

On October 25, 2023 Dr. Milica Velimirovic from VITO collaborated with members from the Funding Support Office (FSO) and the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA) to conduct a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) seminar. The seminar focused on reviewing existing practices in funding acquisition and project management, emphasizing the importance of integrating DEI […]

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Citizen Science Capacity Building: Methana-Milos Field Trip

From October 7 to 21, 2023 the nexus monARC project organized its second field trip, spanning Methana and Milos, with a primary focus on enhancing citizen science capacity. This comprehensive initiative involved rigorous training in sample collection methods and the deployment of cutting-edge sensor applications. The dual-location approach, covering Methana and Milos, enriched the research […]

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Citizen science – training event

From July 6 to 9, 2023 the nexus monARC project embarked on its inaugural fieldwork at Methana to carry out the first field work, conducting research using sailboats. The field trip encompassed sample collection and measurements at sites with hydrothermal activities, offering valuable insights into marine environmental dynamics. Simultaneously, the project organized a community outreach […]

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